We focus on certain colours when setting up our classrooms. Multiple studies show an enhancement in children’s moods and improved state of mind, when put at ease with these calm colours. Whether it be an Early Years space or a Year 6 classroom, we believe in using as many natural products in place of plastics and bright colours. Our classrooms are full of wood, cane, rattan, rugs, flowers, live plants, shells and stones.
To organise the never ending supply of resources, whether it be activity cards, concrete materials or readers, we use baskets, wooden bowls and rattan containers. This aligns with our desire to reduce plastic in our classroom and allows us to reuse in any classroom year after year.
We see the importance on creating various spaces within the classroom. Students should be able to move around in the learning environment and participate in different activities around the room. Creating an area for relaxation, reading, body movement and art activities is valuable to enable students to see their full potential in these areas.
Our walls are filled with teaching resources that allow students to engage in their own learning and build their knowledge and understanding to achieve success. We utilise nature and the living world to create resources that act as stimulus and reference points for students to enhance the learning journey.