These activity cards allow students to have fun with their spelling words or GPC they are focusing on.
It is important students have the opportunity to practise sounds and words in many different ways to help to reinforce the learning and understanding of spelling conventions.
Included in this pack:
* Rainbow Words- students can write their words or sounds in rainbow colours within the rainbow.
* Word Search- students can create a word search using their focus words and get a friend to solve it.
* Flower Spelling- students can create word families using the flowers- writing words with like graphemes in the petals.
* Write, Draw, Sentence- students can write or make a word, draw a picture of it to show understanding of meaning and write the word in a sentence.
These activities are designed to use in many ways and are open-ended so can be differentiated for students.
These activity cards print out A4 in size.
Australian Curriculum content descriptions
Recognise and name all upper and lower case letters (graphemes) and know the most common sound that each letter represents (ACELA1440)
Understand how to use knowledge of letters and sounds including onset and rime to spell words (ACELA1438)
Understand that a letter can represent more than one sound and that a syllable must contain a vowel sound (ACELA1459)
Understand how to spell one and two syllable words with common letter patterns (ACELA1778)
Recognise and know how to use simple grammatical morphemes to create word families (ACELA1455)
Understand how to use knowledge of digraphs, long vowels, blends and silent letters to spell one and two syllable words including some compound words (ACELA1471)
Use most letter-sound matches including vowel digraphs, less common long vowel patterns, letter clusters and silent letters when reading and writing words of one or more syllable (ACELA1824)
Understand that a sound can be represented by various letter combinations (ACELA1825)