Comparing real and nonsense words allows students to recognise phonetic sounds and identify words that have meaning in the English language.
These sorting cards can be used repeatedly and in multiple ways to reinforce phoneme-grapheme correspondence. Allowing students to read varied words also increases vocabulary knowledge.
These cards print out A4 in size and c an be enlarged to A3.
Curriculum content descriptions
Understand that words are units of meaning and can be made of more than one meaningful part (ACELA1818)
Write consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words by representing some sounds with the appropriate letters, and blend sounds associated with letters when reading CVC words (ACELA1820)
Understand how to spell one and two syllable words with common letter patterns (ACELA1778)
Recognise and know how to use simple grammatical morphemes to create word families (ACELA1455)
Build morphemic word families using knowledge of prefixes and suffixes (ACELA1472)
Use most letter-sound matches including vowel digraphs, less common long vowel patterns, letter clusters and silent letters when reading and writing words of one or more syllable (ACELA1824)